A Member of the Australian Security Industry Association


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The Office






The Office

The office of Northwest Security Services is run efficiently and smoothly.  All information is processed through the office, customer information, emergency call outs, accounts payable & receivable, new customers, customer queries etc.  The office has set written guidelines in which to operate and how to react to situations.  All staff employed in the office are qualified in their fields of operation.

Security Personnel

All security personnel employed by Northwest Security Services are fully trained & qualified security personnel.  Before any staff are employed, their credentials and references are carefully checked.  All security personnel must hold Level 2 First Aid certificates also.  New personnel are always taken out with existing personnel on training exercises until the management are completely happy with their performance.  No new personnel are sent out without in-house training.  All personnel are issued with company uniform, two-way radios and mobile phones with which to communicate to the office or Victoria Police, in case of an incident.

Northwest Security Services encourages all personnel to continuously upgrade their skills by attending refresher courses and extra training courses.

We also provide training on using our reporting system and on how to fill out the paperwork we require.

Reporting System

Northwest Security Services has a  thorough reporting system for all incidents regarding security work.

All incidents are written down both in the alarm calls book and the patrol persons report book.  All patrols are written down on running sheets filled out by the patrol person and also in the patrol person's report book which is filled out by each member of Northwest whenever they are on duty.

When any major incident occurs, the management of  Northwest Security Services is immediately informed and appropriate action is taken.

Copies of all incident reports and all patrol persons' reports are kept at the office.  Copies of all correspondence and telephone conversations with clients and patrol persons are also kept on file at the office.

Quality Assurance

Northwest Security Services are currently undertaking, with the guidance  of a qualified outside aid, a 'Quality Assurance' program and are in the process of producing assurance documentation.

Year 2000 Compliant

Northwest Security Services has done a thorough check of all security alarm systems it currently uses and provides to customers. We have obtained documentation of all the suppliers of these systems that they are year 2000 compliant.  We have also upgraded all office computer systems to be year 2000 compliant.

It is noted that whilst the alarm systems are year 2000 compatible, they are still at the mercy of any telecommunications network that they are linked up to and we cannot obtain a guarantee against these systems failing from these networks.

List of Clients

Northwest Security Services has a varied client base, this extends from private homes to local councils.

Private Homes

We monitor and respond to alarm calls in up to 20 private homes. This provides the homeowner with peace of mind.

Small Businesses

Much of our client base is the small business; these consist of shops and small factories.  We monitor, patrol and do alarm responses for these companies.

Medium / Large size Businesses

We have a few medium size companies which we provide services to, such as monitoring, patrols, static guard work and alarm responses. Some examples are:

~ G.U.D. (3 premises)     ~ Sunshine area     ~ KSH Cartons
~ Airport West                ~ Tullamarine         ~ Jayde Transport Services
~ AMF Bowls                  ~ Highpoint West Maribyrnong
~ Liberty Service Stations (Victoria Wide)


Northwest Security Services provides monitoring, patrols and cash pick up for various schools.  Such as:

~ Overnewton Anglican College (Keilor & Sydenham campuses)
~ Gladstone Park Secondary College
~ St. Albans East Primary School
~ Taylors Lakes Primary School


We supply patrols, static guards in the main offices and in the leisure centres, cash pick ups, monitoring & patrols of cemeteries, lock ups of public conveniences, opening & closing of halls when functions are held to three local councils: Brimbank City Council, Maribyrnong City Council and the City of Darebin.

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